今天是一个机会,通过大声疾呼,反对不公正,来实现我们的价值观. 我们致力于推动和实现真正的变革——创造一个我们都可以引以为傲的明天, 团结一致.
雅各布斯发起了一项促进正义和平等的全球行动计划, 以雅各布斯现有的全球包容性和多样性战略为基础, TogetherBeyond℠, 并制定可行的举措和可衡量的目标,在公司的持续努力,以解决嵌入式和系统性的种族不平等和社会问题.
员工们与雅各布斯董事会和执行领导团队合作,共同制定了行动计划,概述了三套关键的承诺和具体内容, measurable actions with performance outcomes:
- 强化归属感文化
- Recruit, retain and advance Black employees based on merit
- Contribute to structural change in the broader society
“We don’t always have to agree, but we should always approach others with compassion, professionalism and a desire to understand...营造一个在各方面都热情包容的工作环境.”
“在美国,我们努力奋斗,以确保我们的投票权超越性别, 比赛, 宗教, 是的, 甚至政治. 让我们用我们作为企业领袖的声音大声疾呼,大声疾呼.”
“Let’s continue to build momentum, 为我们LGBTI+员工的权利大声疾呼,并努力成为所有面临歧视的人的最佳盟友, 不公正和仇恨.”
“We cannot afford to be neutral. We must commit to becoming anti-racists, 活跃的盟友, and supporters of colleagues of all colors, 身份和背景.”
“以同理心帮助高层和一线领导人发起关于种族和歧视的艰难对话, 雅各布斯开发了一个指导工具,提供了指导团队诚实地解决这些问题的材料.”
“作为一家公司,我们将专注于做好自己的工作, 然后,我们将更广泛地关注影响我们的人民和社区的其他事情.”
“Pride month is a time to remind ourselves we can’t be complacent; that we must breathe together or not at all – to celebrate who we are and what we stand for; to remember the names of just a fraction of those we lost to hatred and inexcusable violence...”
“正如我们在过去几周所看到和讨论的那样, 为了确保所有人的基本和基本的公民权利和人权,仍有许多工作要做.”
“This is our time to affect change. 把修辞转化为行动. Build a new platform as a nation. Create an equal and inclusive future for all.”
“Standing up for what is right is in our 正规博彩十大网站排名 culture. 这就是我们.”
“在雅各布, we are one global community. Since I started this role, I’ve said, “we are in this together.尽管这句话在不同的时代有不同的含义, I truly mean it – we are in it together.”